Wednesday 20 August 2014

Farm animals can be cute too!

When we talk about cute animals, several animals such as cats, dogs or even hamster usually pop up in our mind. But not many of us realize that farm animals can look cute too! And I have pictures to prove it to you.

Guess what it is?
That was a cow, you might wonder how can our food look so cute and adorable like that. The answer, that cow was washed and blow dried to look extremely presentable for a stock show. There are a lot of steps and tools involve to make those cows look like that.

These cows are usually sold for breeding.  A good bull can be sold for up to $75,000 which make it worth it to go through all the trouble to make your cow look as fancy as this.

Into battle!
Just look at them, the first time I saw those cow I was thinking about riding them. LOL we don't have this kind of stock show here in Malaysia so I think the cows look great and cute. And I think maybe farmers in my country should try this too, just for the fun of it.

Also know as fluffy milk horse LOL

Source : Dailymail

Monday 18 August 2014

This probably how the stormtroopers going to look like in Starwars 7

The old Stormtrooper helmet
I remembered being introduce to Starwars by my dad when I'm just a kid. It had being years now, things change and now Starwars is own by Disney. Fans from around the world are wondering if Disney will screw up the entire Starwars saga.

However, lets us not judging too soon. For now, lets us take a look at the latest stormtroopers helmet design. This might be how the stormtroopers in Starwars episode 7 look like.

Stormtrooper starwars episode 7
The new Stromtroopers helmet
I'm not sure if this is already official or not but I personally think that they will use this stormtrooper design in episode 7 because the design look pretty cool and I don't see any reasons why they should scrap it.

Thursday 14 August 2014

The great emu war in 1932

great emu war
This not actually how the battle look like in the great emu war,
I just made this up because I think it look cool

This war is so humiliating yet funny I just have to blog about it.

It all started after the end of world war 1. The government awarded some lands to the soldiers so they can farm and continue with their life as a civilians. However, in 1932 an “army” of emus had come, eating their corps and destroying their farmland.

So begin, the great emu war has...

Two regiments of soldiers equipted with machine guns and 10,000 round of ammunition are sent to fight the emus “invation force” which was made of about 20,000 emus. A couple of tactics was used to defeat the emus including:
  • Chasing them off using a truck with machine guns mounted over it
  • Gathering the emus into a traps and slaughter them
Unfortunately, the machine guns truck and mass slaughtering traps can’t out match the emus speed and their “guerrilla tactics”. Those tactics fail to annihilate the emus forces.

After a few fail attempts to fight off the emus,  a Western Australian representative finally told the Parliament that the emus had won the war. The conclusion was probably made due to the fact that it is a little non-economic to continue the fight.

Before someone start to accuse me of making this up, I would like to provide some links: